The Environmental and Social of ESG and human rights in global Supply Chains

Cause Change with Us

Our Experience to Help You

SupplyESChange, works for Environmental and Social Change in the often 80% or more footprint that is global supply chains, with ESG Investors, Companies, and other actors.

SupplyESChange Founder Kate A Larsen is a

  • University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) featured faculty trainer,

  • FinanceUnlocked and SustainabilityUnlocked featured Course presenter for banking teams,

  • PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) featured speaker and trainer, and

  • has in recent years trained ESG and investment teams in Alliance Bernstein, Baillie Gifford, BNP Paribas, Manulife, Morgan Stanley, EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction & Development), Robeco,

  • including PE, fund managers, analysts, venture capital, and more.

SupplyESChange help Investors and Businesses better understand Supply Chains ESG Environmental and Social (Human Rights) Realities and what to Do.

We apply insights from years working in China, Asia and globally.

Tutor Experience

Kate A Larsen has had a 20 year career spanning global issues across numerous industries.

A Chinese mandarin speaker lived and worked in China, Hong Kong and Japan for 11 years, including in Beijing and Wuhan, Kate has visited and worked with sites and organisations across Asia.

Kate regularly guides on modern slavery, forced labour, and other risks in Italy, the UK, and globally for ESG and human rights due diligence. She has led projects in Uganda, Mexico, Brazil, Nigeria, Turkey, and the Middle East.

Kate was a UK Top 100 Modern Slavery corporate influencer 2018 and her MSc Environmental Management was on preventing Scope 3 emissions reductions in China supply chains.

A Chinese Mandarin speaker, who lived and worked in China and Hong Kong and Japan for 11 years, including in Beijing and Wuhan,

Kate worked with suppliers, factories, sites, NGOs, and organisations across Asia and globally for business human rights due diligence.

As Featured

Working in Beijing China

SupplyESChange Founder Kate A Larsen meeting Chinese officials in a non-profit role in Beijing, China, 1999.

SupplyESChange Founder Kate A Larsen and team regularly guide on managing risk of and remediating modern slavery, forced labour, exploitation, and other risks in Italy, China, Japan, the UK, and globally for ESG and business human rights due diligence (HRDD).

Kate has led projects in Uganda, on Mexico, Brazil, Nigeria, Turkey, and the middle east, and considerably across Asia.

Kate was a UK Top 100 Modern Slavery corporate influencer 2018, and her MSc Environmental Management was on China supply chains and preventing Scope 3 emissions, and causing reductions.

She has worked with teams in China, Asia, and globally on Environmental and Social in supply chains, and now Trains exec, impact, and investment teams from this experience.

Learn About How we Help businesses understand ESG of Human Rights and Environmental, in global Supply Chains.

Reduce risk, Cause Environmental and Social Change:
Scope 3 Carbon Emissions reductions, Waste water pollution reductions, Decent Work, Living Wage, Social Impacts. SDGs.

If you’re an investor looking at ESG to assess investees, improve ESG engagement, or monitor projects:

If you’re a company working on Responsible Sourcing and Sustainable Sourcing, to deliver Supply Chains Human Rights Due Diligence:

SupplyESChange Founding Director Kate Larsen and Team have Trained on ESG and Human Rights in Supply Chains to and for:

Founder Kate on the BBC


Kate Larsen, Founding Director SupplyESChange spoke on BBC World Service TV 2021 on reports of forced labour of Uyghur and other minorities in some cotton production in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) of PR China.

Kate has seen and interviewed Uyghur people in forced labour in factories in China where Han Chinese workers had freedoms (whilst Uyghurs were locked in dormitories at night and could not leave, etc), as well as migrant workers in bonded labour modern slavery in other countries (Japan, Italy, Malaysia, India, etc).

Kate has applied her China and industry experience to Training Investment Teams looking at ESG and Company executive teams to better understand risk of Forced Labour in global and China supply chains, and the business Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) against Modern Slavery and exploitation which new laws (and consumers, and investors looking at ESG) expect Companies to do

Kate and SupplyESChange team also consult to companies and organisations on policies, risk mapping, China and other supply chain risk reviews, deep investigative social audit, and how to influence remediation and report in Modern Slavery statements and other corporate reporting (e.g. to CHRB, WBA standards, etc). 

Learn from SupplyESChange dedicated experts

With the help of experts, shift from confusion about the array of new laws to a clear roadmap; from Modern Slavery or exploitation to causing Decent Work and Social Impact; from lack of visibility to engaging for Environmental Sustainability


SupplyES Founding Director Kate has trained and advised for:

How we help

  • Our team of Consultants apply decades of experience and understanding of Environmental and Social (labour standards, modern slavery risks) issues in global Supply Chains.

  • We like to help Companies and Investors understand for themselves the risks companies face in their global supply chains (which we’ve seen on the ground), the expectations of emerging business human rights due diligence.

  • Sometimes clients need us to deep-dive into an issue that we know well, or guide them as they start their Ethical Trade, supplier assessments, or technology innovations. We apply our expertise to help projects and efforts get up.