The Environmental and Social of ESG and human rights in Supply Chains

Cause positive Change with Us

Meet the Team

  • Kate A Larsen

    Founding Director, UK (former China, Hong Kong/Asia).

    Chinese speaking.

    20+ years in Corporate Responsibility, ESG, Responsible Sourcing, Ethical Trade, business human rights due diligence, Including in leadership roles in Burberry, as TCP (PLCE) Global Director Responsible Sourcing, as a Principal Consultant Human Rights and ESG in ERM London, etc.

    11 years experience living and working in China and Hong Kong covering Asia and working with sites in China, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Cambodia, Malaysia, etc. Lead Consultant to numerous firms on human rights due diligence supply chain risk management in the region and globally for impact. Lead Social standards Advisor to Cleanhub.

    Advisory and Training to leading Investment Firms and Retailers and for The World Bank, University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, etc.

    Inhouse experience in Human Rights Watch on supply chains. Trustee The Rights Practise. A UK Top 100 Corporate Modern Slavery influencer. MSc Environmental Management Imperial College.

  • Motthida Chin

    Senior Associate, USA (Cambodian born).

    Cambodian speaking.

    20+ years in Corporate Responsibility, labour standards, and in human rights due diligence leadership work including in Verite, Nike, Columbia outwerwear, Nordstrom fashion, and a founding role in the ILO Better Work (Better Factories Cambodia) programme.

    With deep expertise in corporate social responsibility, labor rights, and supply chain ethics, Motthida helps businesses build high-impact social compliance programs that drive meaningful change.

    Expert advisor and trainer on supply chain labour standards (human rights) and management systems, and on working with suppliers to generate sustainable social impacts, especially Cambodia and south east Asia. Worked with organizations to strengthen delivery of sustainability, workers’ rights, and responsible procurement. Leads academic courses on Corporate Social Responsibility, and trains suppliers oninwhy and how to continuously improve labour conditions and meet international standards.

  • Saif Khan

    Senior Associate, Hong Kong (Bangladeshi)

    Native Bengali speaking.

    16+ years in labour standards, especially investigating and advising for remediation of bonded labor, forced labour modern slavery in Malaysia and other countries for leading international brand buyers conducting supply chains human rights due diligence.

    Former Compliance Supervisor, Human Rights for fashion brands owner Phillips Van Heusen PVH Corp (Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger), working with Bangladeshi suppliers on labor management, health-safety, worker management committees, grievance management channels. Former consultant for the apparel sector Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh.

    Deep insights into agents fees in cases of bonded labour in Asia export factories.

    Expert Lead of teams for field social audits of labour standards and deep investigations, supplier development training, and CSR advisory. Fire safety assessment, worker committee establishment, special focus Bangladesh.

  • Ajay Datt

    Senior Associate, India (former Asia Director).

    Hindi, Bengali, English speaking.

    20+ years in Corporate Responsibility, including as former Regional Director, Social Responsibility The Children's Place, former EY, etc.

    Experience in the middle east on bonded labour and modern slavery risks for south Asian migrant workers, and more.

    An Expert Labor Standards, Safety & Working Conditions Assessor, analyst of Root causes, supplier engager and Trainer and Advisor to factories and manufacturers in his dedication to improve workers lives.

  • Aneesh Manjunath

    Researcher, Labour, Business and Human Rights.

    A development professional and a graduate of law, with experience and expertise in business and human rights; decent work in global value chains, responsible business conduct and corporate accountability.

    Capabilities in conducting research, project implementation and management, designing/delivering programmes for training or capacity building, as well as stakeholder engagement and advocacy (for better working conditions) at domestic and global platforms.

    Former Coordinator, Legal Research and Training Cividep India, for 3 yrs in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

    Speaker Worker Voice at Puma Supliers Conference, India.

    BA LLB (Hons), Law from The West Bengal National University of Juridicial Sciences, Kolkataiption.

  • Jack Bridger (UK)

    Researcher, Business and Supply Chain Sustainability and Human Rights

    Jack is 2024 University of Bath MSc Sustainability & Management graduate. Jack brings passion for Business Human Rights Due Diligence to deliver social impacts, and through Responsible Sourcing. He has researched Stakeholder Engagement and Living Income in Cocoa and Coffee Supply Chains, and apparel / fashion sector insights.

    Jack has also conducted consulting for Clients Divine Ceremony (chocolate, cocoa), and Dorothy House, alongside studies in responsible marketing, business ethics, governance for sustainability, science-based decision making (GHG Protocol, LCA), and sustainable operations management.

    Jack brings SaaS experience from a past role as Sr Manager PatSnap London , and in Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Intellectual Property and Product Development. He was a Team Lead in the Associated Press, a Commercial Curator; Head of Footage at Journeyman Pictures, and Visiting Lecturer Falmouth University.

  • Inzinga Samms-Alcott

    Associate Consultant Researcher (UK, Spain)

    Inzinga supports research in fashion and other supply chains labour and environmental standards research projects.

    Inzinga applies insights from work with Southern Voices, a charity that aims to address issues of global justice and equity, and the international non-profit AIESEC, which provides opportunities for cross-cultural exchanges and youth leadership.

    Inzinga also has experience in consulting with 180 Degrees Consulting, and commercial law via a Pinsent Masons mentorship program. She undertook short open internships with Slaughter and May, and White and Case (online, non-competitive).

    Bachelor's degree BSc International Business with Spanish at the University of Warwick Business School. Spent a year studying at top institutions in Spain to develop cultural dexterity and working proficiency in Spanish. 

    Volunteer experience with Keep Britain Tidy, Community Alliance for Renewal Inner South Manchester Area (CARISMA) and The Clean Beach Initiative.

  • Chris Alafaa

    Associate Consultant Researcher (Nigeria)

    Support to SupplyESChange in 2022 and 2023 to research issues of modern slavery and climate change (and links) in international and Asia supply chains.

    Analysis of ESG performance of large corporations and how they fare against the ratings such as MSCI and Sustainalytics.

    Business human rights due diligence research support. Climate change research.

    Bachelor's degree, Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography, University of Lagos.

    Technical support in Software Engineering for climate action projects such as, the Climate Mind project.

  • Lisa Telfer Brunton

    Strategic Consultant & Operations Specialist, Cornwall

    15+ years in global business operations, human relations, and work with social impact organisations for operational efficiency and resilience. Extensive experience in building systems, strategy and logistics, with focus on social enterprise and CSR.

    A background in the fast moving London SME/tech world. Former BA to CEO Crowdfunder UK.Part-time Operations Director for Cornwall Pride. Former Operations for the UK National Emergencies Trust (remote).

    Vice Chair Cornwall Climate Commission, Jun 2024 -present ; Trustee Creative Kernow (Arts and Culture); Trustee, The Eddystone Trust (Health); Ambassador, The Cornish Embassy (Economic Empowerment).

    Local Panel Advisor Anthropy UK Sustainability convening with business and for social action, Nov 2021 - Dec 2022. Head of Operations “Resident Advisor”, Oct 2014-2015, Fifty RA staff, artists, producers, promoters and industry friends cycled London to Amsterdam over 4 days raising over €100,000 for Bridges to Music.

    Human-centred, innovative thinker, problem solver. BA Archaeology, University of Southampton. Carbon Literacy training and Climate policy development volunteer work. CIPD level 7.

Our Experience to Help You

SupplyESChange, guides business human rights due diligence for Environmental and Social Change in the often 80% or more footprint that is global supply chains, with ESG Investors, Companies, and other actors.

The team is led by SupplyESChange Founder Kate A Larsen, a University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) featured faculty trainer, and FinanceUnlocked featured Course trainer to banking teams.

Kate has in recent years trained ESG and investment teams in ABN Amro, Alliance Bernstein, Baillie Gifford, Manulife, for Morgan Stanley, PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment), EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction & Development), Robeco, SRI-Connect, and more, including PE, fund managers, analysts, venture capital, and more.

With SupplyESChange team of Senior Associates around the world, Kate leads impactful training to help Investors, Companies and more, understand why and how to deepen Environmemental and Social efforts with supply chains for human rights due diligence and impact.

Featured speaking, training, in podcasts, and writing for:

Our Services


Seminars, Training, Workshops, Courses, and Speaking on business Human Rights due diligence for ESG risk management and Social Impacts in Supply Chains tailored to Investment Professionals and Teams

Advisory Insights and Projects

Expert calls, through to advisory and consulting applying insights from our experienced practitioners time working in and with leading firms and NGOs.

SupplyESChange help Investors and Businesses better understand Supply Chains ESG Environmental and Social Realities and how to do business human rights due diligence in real life.

We apply insights from years working in China, Asia and globally in Corporate Responsibility, Ethical Trade, NGO, Senior Consultant, and other Leadership roles.

We have done impactful and leading human rights due diligence work with NGO and worker rights expert partners, peer brands, governments, and sourcing, procurement, and strategy colleagues.

We love to help others understand how to do it better to improve more lives too.

We regularly guide on risk mapping, investigating and remediating modern slavery, forced labour, and other risks in China, Asia, Italy, the UK, and globally for ESG and human rights due diligence, and social impact.

Our Founder has led projects in Uganda, on Mexico, Brazil, Nigeria, Turkey, and the middle east. Kate was a UK Top 100 Modern Slavery corporate influencer 2018 and her MSc Environmental Management was on how to better work with China suppliers to prevent and reduce Scope 3 emissions.


Kate A Larsen has had a 20 year career spanning global issues across numerous industries.

A Chinese mandarin speaker who lived and worked in China and Hong Kong for 11 years, including in Beijing and Wuhan, and was regularly visiting sites in Japan, Kate has visited and worked with sites and organisations across Asia.

Kate regularly guides on companies and investors to better understand modern slavery, forced labour, and other risks in China, Italy, the UK, and globally for ESG and human rights due diligence. Beyond Asia and Europe, she has also led projects in Uganda, on Mexico, Brazil, Nigeria, Turkey, and the middle east.

Kate was a UK Top 100 Modern Slavery corporate influencer 2018 and her MSc Environmental Management was on preventing Scope 3 emissions reductions in China supply chains.

SupplyESChange apply experience to help you understand increasing Supply Chains Environmental and Social, human rights due diligence expectations, and what Companies, Can, Should, and Do do…

to reduce risk, and improve lives.

Learn About How we Help businesses like You understand ESG of Human Rights and Environmental, in global Supply Chains.

Reduce risk, Cause Environmental and Social Change:

Scope 3 Carbon Emissions reductions,

Waste water pollution reductions,

Decent Work, Living Wage, Social Impacts. SDGs.

If you’re an investor looking at ESG to assess investees, improve ESG engagement and performance:

If you’re a company working on Responsible Sourcing and Sustainable Sourcing, to deliver Supply Chains Human Rights Due Diligence:

Founder Kate on the BBC


Kate Larsen, Founding Director SupplyESChange spoke on BBC World Service TV 2021 on reports of forced labour of Uyghur and other minorities in some cotton production in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) of PR China.

Kate has seen and interviewed Uyghur people in forced labour in factories in China where Han Chinese workers had freedoms (whilst Uyghurs were locked in dormitories at night and could not leave, etc), as well as migrant workers in bonded labour modern slavery in other countries (Japan, Italy, Malaysia, India, etc).

Kate has applied her China and industry experience to Training Investment Teams looking at ESG and Company executive teams to better understand risk of Forced Labour in global and China supply chains, and the business Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) against Modern Slavery and exploitation which new laws (and consumers, and investors looking at ESG) expect Companies to do

Kate and SupplyESChange team also consult to companies and organisations on policies, risk mapping, China and other supply chain risk reviews, deep investigative social audit, and how to influence remediation and report in Modern Slavery statements and other corporate reporting (e.g. to CHRB, WBA standards, etc). 

SupplyESChange Founding Director Kate Larsen has trained on ESG and Human Rights in Supply Chain to and for:

Let SupplyESChange dedicated experts Help You…

….shift from confusion about the array of new laws….. to A Clear Roadmap;

from Modern Slavery or exploitation to causing Decent Work and Social Impact;

from lack of visibility to engaging for Environmental Sustainability.


We’re grateful to the courageous workers, activists, and dedicated practitioners,

who we’ve heard Voices of in Asia and beyond, who help us help Companies understand where they need to have Impact.

Some of the Organisations SupplyES Founding Director Kate has trained and advised for:

Organisations we encourage businesses to work with more for risk reduction by collaboratively causing Positive Environmental and Social Impacts:

How we help

  • Our team of Consultants apply decades of experience and understanding of Environmental and Social (labour standards, modern slavery risks) issues in global Supply Chains.

  • We help Companies and Investors understand for themselves the risks companies face in their global supply chains (which we’ve seen on the ground), and how Companies can meet increasing expectations of business human rights due diligence.

  • Sometimes clients need us to deep-dive into an issue that we know well, or guide them as they start their Ethical Trade, supplier assessments, or technology innovations.

    We apply our expertise in research and guidance projects.