How to help workers in India supply chains in Covid 2021
Today we were asked about how the COVID-19 crisis in India is impacting supply chain workers, and how retailer Buyers should respond.
I spoke with Ajay Datt, SupplyESChange Senior Associate in India.
Ajay worked as a South Asia Director Responsible Sourcing for a sector leading US retailer, as an advisor in EY, and independently advising, social auditing working conditions, and training for buyers and suppliers for over 20 years.
Ajay explained that, as of 5 May 2021 -
“The current situation is of panic in Delhi and NCR region as there is acute shortage of basic hospital and medical facilities.
However this time far fewer workers have migrated back to their villages. The government has also not put a complete lockdown in place and has supported manufacturing. This has helped workers as they are getting money to support their families most basic needs to be able to buy food, etc.
There is a strong awareness of COVID in factories and most are trying to take the maximum health safety precautions required to prevent covid spread risk.
The garment / apparel industry is being impacted owing to a shortage of orders and the logistics disruption more than anything.”
With Ajay’s input from India, we’ve created a quick briefing you can access here on:
5 Key ways Companies should help their Suppliers, and workers in their Supply Chains in India.
Click here to be sent our Briefing on 5 steps Buyer Companies can take to help Suppliers help workers and their families in India’s COVID crisis, and explaining the emerging business human rights due diligence expectations.